Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ponts et plus de ponts- Bumper Edition

So I didn't blog yesterday due to the fact I spent the majority of the day in bed watching French TV and then was at work in the evening. So today you're in for a bumper two day edition; you lucky people, don't say I never treat you!

So my first shift at work was interesting! People are very patient with my broken French if they speak French. The problems occur when there is no common language between said customer and you. I am now considering using my newly developed mime skills to earn me some extra money by the Seine. And then a fire alarm added some excitement to the evening, don't worry, despite an English woman shouting at me that we could have all gone up in flames, there was no fire. 

I intended, much as a do every morning, to wake up early today, but alas, I didn't finish work until half past 1 and I like sleep. So I once again woke at half 11. I decided to explore some bridges, Paris has a lot of them and they're all pretty. So I got the metro to Cité which is at the centre of the little island in the middle of the Seine. Then walked along Pont Neuf, the oldest of the new bridges, it's got cute little Victorian bench alcoves all along it! And then from this walked down to Pont des arts, which is the bridge covered in padlocks, I literally mean covered! As I was on my own, I didn't put a padlock declaring my unbreakable love to myself there, I draw the line there. 

I have to resist the urge to take a photo of everything that I see that looks so Parisian because I remember I'm in Paris and I only have 8GB of memory. 

So I'm now blogging before I start another what will surely be eventful shift at work. 

Things I have learnt today: Don't daydream on the metro, you will miss your stop and have to make a really annoying journey back the way you came.

The Curtain Factor: Still no curtains.
You get judged for taking photos of metro stations.

Pont neuf

View from Pont neuf

View of Pont des Arts

View of Pont Neuf and the island from Pont des arts


I love black and white shots.

Stereotypical Parisian man.

Pont des arts

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