Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Il pleut comme vache qui pisse...

Today it rained in Paris, a lot. So I decided what better way to cheer myself up than visiting Paris' biggest cemetery. 

Okay so it's not the most uplifting of visits but it is quite something, it's so big and some of the tombs are huge! Today they are more than 1 million bodies buried there, which is quite weird to think as you're wandering round. Because it's so popular you now are only allowed to be buried in Père lachaise cemetery if you lived in Paris or if you died in the capital.*

Due to the fact it was absolutely throwing it down and I had decided to walk from the hostel in clothes I put on when I didn't realise it was raining, I didn't wander round all the graves and find everyone famous. But I did take some edgy photos and meander amongst the dead people. 

Fun French phrase of the day: il pleut comme vache qui pisse, literally it's raining like a pissing cow. Did I mention I flipping love French?

*All credit goes to Wikipedia

Don't hate me because I've become the kind of person that takes photos like this...

and this...

The view out my window is flippin awesome

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